Today's Quote

Share this:A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. David Brinkley Annetta Powell Your Professional Success Coach Visit for more details Share...

Today's Tip

Share this:Make sure you can be reached via Facebook, Twitter, email or any other form of contact on the internet and be prompt and ready to answer any questions. For more information visit: – Your Professional Success Coach Annetta...

Online Marketing Strategies

Share this:The internet is full of people! This means that consumers are constantly connecting, sharing and discussing with each other. Your business will flourish just because of this fact alone! Conversation is key. Social Media can be used to reach and connect with...

Are you leader?

Share this:I really hope you enjoyed this video! So what did you think? Will this be helpful to you? Do you have any questions? Do you have any video’s that you can share? Please feel free to comment. I would love to hear from you and please pass this on to your...

Today's Quote

Share this:You can’t be confident when you are willing to stay within your own comfort zone. Confidence is built by pushing way beyond what you think you can do. Byron Pulsifer Annetta Powell Your Professional Success Coach Visit...