An elusive call to action can be your gateway for lead generation. However, this can be very tricky so you must learn how to identify what you offer and how you want to convey your message. To do this, you must thoughtfully consider several factors and have a sense of good timing in lead generation.
Here are some of the tips to compel your prospects to act:
1. Create concise, effective email subject lines depicting a clear benefit for your prospect. Your subject line must always be able to answer the question “what’s in it for me?” Also, make sure to create more personal message and avoid jargon.
2. Always try and experiment by testing which subject lines get click-throughs.
3. Consider using simple buttons as part of your call to action. Great examples of these are the Facebook and Twitter buttons.
4. Use a confident, bold and assertive language, which has always been known as your brand’s style.
5. Create a sense of urgency by using words like “now” and “today” to motivate readers to click through to the page.
6. Keep your message template simple.
7. Incorporate statistics in your messages. For example, if you are talking about a successful business event, include the date, time, the number of attendees and all other pertinent figures.
8. Create personal, compelling and irresistible questions to grab your readers’ attention.
9. Focus on delivering good content. Start your call to action with a verb. Use alliterations, metaphors or rhymes. Include videos. Search for popular keywords that are related to your brand and use them to boost search engine optimization.
10. Select an email service provider with simple email optimization features such as GetResponse.
Planning your call to action can take you and your business to greater heights. In no time, you will be surprised by the number of people subscribing to your page and actually joining your business.
For more information on strengthening your call to action, subscribe my blog.
Take care,
Annetta Powell
Your Professional Success Coach
Phone: 1-800-557-9160
Skype: annetta.powell
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