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Building trust results in customer loyalty, which in turn results in more profits for any kind of business. The reason why most businesses struggle, especially the new ones, is that trust is not yet present. In other words, there is no loyal customer base yet. Your challenge? To turn your customers from unhappy to very satisfied and from so-so to loyal by building trust.


Building Trust in Internet Marketing

Building Trust

Trust is what keeps a business relationship together and is expressed through your actions. This involves the things you do and the things that you do not do. Building trust can be as simple as returning phone calls easily and being consistent in what you say or do. Absence of trust will not make any customer buy, this must be something that you must really focus on establishing.


Building trust is no cheap deal as it requires your wholehearted investment and service to your customers. This may even mean going the extra mile to take care of your already existing customer base and to entice new ones to become loyal customers.


You must understand that every effort you exert actually pays off – improved profits and a very strong referral base. Keep in mind that word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective way to generate sales and skyrocket your profits. Your customers go out of their way to tell others about your business once their trust about your brand is high.


Building trust can be manifested by showing credibility and competence. Competence is described as getting the job right and better than the rest of your competitors. You can say that your brand is competent when you understand your customers’ needs, when you have knowledge of your products or services and your ability to work with others.


Credibility, on the other hand, is what defines your honesty and integrity. Showing genuine concern to your customers by being unselfish and focusing on your customers’ concerns uplifts your credibility.


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Building Trust Can Also Be Done in Some Other Ways


Trusting your customers to do the right things

Sending thank you notes

Being dependable and extremely organized

Doing something unique and creative

Handling every complaint promptly and with empathy

Offering great customer service

Showing sincere appreciation

Being a valuable resource person to your customers

Creating solutions that adds value to customer satisfaction

Partnering with your customers

Creating customers rather than mere sales

Not making promises and actually doing whatever you say

Doing something unexpected

Giving more than what is asked all the time

Giving only the best for your customers

Acting in the best interest of your customers is the key to building trust. When you do these things that I’ve shared with you, you are doing yourself and your business a huge favor, and sooner, you’ll be surprised at your growing loyal customer base.


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