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Blogging is one of the most common online activity these days. However, it is not enough to simply hold a personalized platform. In fact, the right maintenance of a blog is the real source of every possible result.


It is for this reason that most blogger’s struggle to be active and not able to write several articles on their pages. Indeed, once the readers are discovering, the sales numbers go down!


Therefore, we could understand that blogs are not only about interacting or reading; they are most important about discovering new pieces of information, new updates.


The task might sound easy. However, providing your blog with the right articles on a daily scale involve a high level of engagement. Moreover, writing might appear easy to the readers when it is really known among writers that it is not a trouble-free activity.


The reality of producing articles on a blog engages a considerable level of inspiration. In fact, the more you write, the more you run out of ideas. Therefore, the search of different tips to increase your writing inspiration is a must-do.

 Why Should I have a Blog?

Getting Ideas to Blog Everyday

Here is a shot video by Kevin Sousa and he talks about how he gets ideas to blog everyday.

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an article a day

In order to help, I am going to give my readers few thoughts, hoping that I won’t run out of ideas too!


First, producing on a daily scale one article on your blog is related to your ability to be truly engaged. It might take you at least one hour a day to write one article, without making reference to the amount of time you already have to offer to your blogging activities.


At the second place, try to find, from time to another, some soft topics to talk about. The content of your articles should stay interesting, but its weight will be different according to your aspiration. Therefore, the impact of your writing tiredness should not be seen through your lines. It is for this reason that you should go for easy tasks to rest, such as making lists. In fact, readers love the competitive side of the lists that provides them with the current order of certain positions. This kind of articles is easy and won’t take you a lot of inspiration work.


Moreover, In order to write one article a day on your blog, you might go for the “How-to” writing or the reviews. These are also topics that people love reading about, since they make them feel like they are actually learning something and increasing their awareness level. Here again, the task will be easier on you.


Furthermore, a since a picture worth million words, you could from time to time post some photos on your blog, and decorate them with some of your own perception and critics. This task might be seen as an advertising activity to any writer!


To sum up, writing at least one article a day on your blog is definitely not an easy task. Therefore, using this kind of tips could really help you and keep the content of your blog active, which will hold your blog alive.

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