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An Important aspect of your business is your brand; Brand represents and symbolizes your company or business. A brand in not a single thing, it’s an inter-connectivity of everything that represents your company. Branding includes the logo, slogan, tag line, Website, colors, catch phrase and more. Whether it’s a personal, Business or corporate branding, you need to consider its personality.


 Important Questions to Ask as You Develop Your Brand


Who am I?

How do you define your brand?

Who is my brand’s core audience?

How to target a specific market or audience?

How are you different from others who are offering similar products of services?

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If you find it difficult to answer these questions, get your family, friends and most importantly your previous customers. You can even conduct a survey on how your customers got attracted to your business. These questions will help you in branding your business.


Creating a Logo for your Business


Every brand requires a logo, when creating a logo you have to remember the basic, simplicity and readability. Just remember to create a LOGO which should represent and convey your brand clearly. A logo plays an important role in branding your business.


Brand Color: How Much Does It Matter?


Let’s take for instance the most prominent brands around the world are defined by their colors. Be it Subway, McDonald, Blue Dart, MetLife or GM all these companies strategically use colors for their branding, it’s important to choose proper colors which reflects your business. Researchers have confirmed that colors provoke various reactions. So choose your colors wisely.


Consistent and Trust in Branding


When it comes to branding “Trust” plays a major role. Consistency across various platforms is one of the ways you can gain trust with your customers. Be it online marketing or offline marketing when it comes to branding your business, your promotion materials must remain the same, keep your logo, slogan, tagline, color combination consistent. Once you Increase the customers trust in you brand, your sales margin will increase and closing deal faster and at a better profit margins.


Standing Out of the Crowd


Let’s face it, You are not the only one providing a the unique service or product there are a lot of people out there providing similar products or services. Regardless of the situation, if you want to have an impact you need to stand out so think what makes you so special and make your voice heard, your proposition must be so strong and valued that your audience should prefer your brand.  After all, what’s the use of a great product or service if no one buy’s it. Just remember“The eye continues to buy” so your presentation plays an important role.


Evolving Your Brand


The world in changing and we have to catch up with its pace. Branding has Evolved, Internet has evolved It’s just not about sleek website, or a social-media presence. Presentation matters, Interaction matter, claiming your brand names across social media networks matters overall branding matter. It’s not just enough to build a website or a Facebook Fanpage or a Twitter account, your participation and interaction with your customer plays a major role, start creating regular posts, Do not forget to reply to messages and comments. The game is not the same but it has sure got better and more interesting.

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