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The Initial Steps of Internet MarketingInternet marketing begins and ends with identifying your audience and niche well. This means researching the problems, needs, desires, and questions that your audience wishes to solve, find or answer.


First, you must find your niche. Researching in a niche will give you an idea who your potential customers will be. Review products and demand on sites such as Amazon and Clickbank to determine how popular the niche is. Amazon offers customers’ reviews of a product. More than 20 reviews can mean thousands of copies were purchased giving an indication of the demand in that area. Likewise, visit blogs and forums where industry experts share their expertise with interested visitors. Learn the lingo and needs of your target audience.


Next, you must research keywords. This is perhaps the most neglected aspect of the Internet niche market research. Spend as much time researching effective keywords in online marketing tools like Traffic Travis, Google’s Adwords keyword tool and by doing competition searches. Dig deep into the niche and know the phrases and words of your target audience.


For more information on the initial steps of Internet marketing tips, please subscribe to my blog.

Annetta Powell

Your Professional Success Coach

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