You can accomplish anything with the right mindset. I think former United States President Theodore Roosevelt said it best: “with self-discipline, almost anything is possible.”
He couldn’t have said it better, self-discipline and accomplishments are interwoven. The latter being dependent on the former shows the importance, and the need to cultivate self-discipline.
To be self-disciplined is to work with self-control, to work hard to achieve goals without being told what to do. It’s about getting yourself to concentrate and follow through on your goals, doing what should be done promptly.
Self-discipline is essential to accomplish your goals in every sphere of life. Distractions coupled with the urge to engage in non-essential activities are a roadblock to achieving anything. And don’t for once think self-discipline applies majorly to running a business, the application goes beyond commercial opportunities to include many aspects of life. Cultivating a new habit, enhancing physical fitness, improving human relationships, and a myriad of goals require self-discipline.
If you intend to eat better and less of junk and binge eating, self-discipline is important. It could be trying to stay fit and stick to routines that improve your quality of life. Or it may be you are employed yet have an auxiliary goal of writing a book or running a part-time business. In all, being disciplined helps you stay focused on accomplishing these goals without slacking or giving up.
To be disciplined and dedicated to a course is far from easy, but not impossible. These three crucial ways are sure to help.
Be Motivated
Motivation is a drive, it keeps you on track, helping you work hard regardless of hindrances. The motive for embarking on a course of action which is closely related to the result is enough motivation to help you stay focused and follow through.
The experience of Helen an artist best explains how motivation boosts self-discipline. Helen has a full-time job but intends to quit and focus on owning a gallery filled with her artworks. Her goal not easy is not impossible but requires self-discipline. The result which is becoming self-employed–independently running a gallery of her own helps her stay focused.
Endeavor to know the reason for choosing to do something. Knowing “why” helps you forge ahead regardless of obstacles.
Get Rid of Temptations
Temptations come in different forms and can weaken your resolve. To stay disciplined, you may have to get rid of temptation instead of putting up with it. Sometimes it may be easy to endure the difficulties of a distracting and tempting environment. But sometimes, doing away with it altogether is the best decision.
An example here is Jake who works remotely. He has a list of tasks to complete each day but finds it challenging to stay focused due to constant notifications from his mobile device and a 64-inch screen with gamepads at arm’s length. Although he struggles hard to focus, he suffers occasion setbacks and ends up not meeting up with his schedule. Eventually, Jake had to move his work area to a booth and drops his device in a locked box. This approach enabled him to stay disciplined and achieve more.
You could emulate Jake’s approach in dealing with distractions. Sometimes, it’s best to put away distractions and temptations instead of striving to live with them or endure them. A study about people trying to abhor the habit of eating junk reveals the difference between two sets of people; those who kept carbonated drinks at home weighed more than those who didn’t. Sometimes the influence in your environment may supersede your willpower. Once you spot temptations, do your utmost to put them away.
Set a Goal
Setting a goal and challenging yourself fuels self-discipline. It’s easy to let go of some goals if the result seems too far off. Of course, not all things can be achieved in a small time frame, regardless, there has to be a sign of progress.
In 2019, a certain Charles Joe wanted to stay healthy by reducing his excessive weight. He no doubt needs self-discipline to look past cravings for junk and unhealthy meals. To help him stay true to the goal, he created a target and challenged himself. His goal was to lose some kilograms every 3 days, and he challenged himself to lose a particular amount before the end of the month else he’ll have to buy a friend a costly dinner for a week. To avoid the huge expense, he worked harder to ensure he sticks to his routine and goal. Setting a goal likewise aided his focus. The final result didn’t seem too far or impossible. By breaking goal into bits; losing some kilograms every days, he saw progress and those tiny bits of regular accomplishments motivated him to stay on course.
Final Words
To stay disciplined can be relatively difficult but with effort, it’s achievable. These three ways; being motivated, putting away temptations, and setting goals and challenges are practical strategies to cultivate self-discipline. Self-discipline can wane, but with consistent effort, you can make it a part of you.
Keep in mind that “without self-discipline, success is impossible.” So, work hard at it, then you can accomplish anything.
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