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In a world blooming with cryptocurrency and NFTs, real estate is perhaps one of the businesses that have remained unaffected. For the long term, high valued investments, real estate is the first thing that comes to our minds. In 2018, Real Estate contributed a humongous 13% of the US GDP. Today, real estate marketing trends suggest that it’s undoubtedly one of the most growing industries.

However, it is almost impossible for a business to survive without quality marketing. Marketing serves as the face of a business, providing customers with valuable information. So get on a sofa and grab your favorite popcorn since below are the five best marketing real estate trends you can use for your future investments!


1.   Social Media Marketing


The era of finding properties in newspapers has really driven down. Since the pandemic, companies have turned to social media marketing for their businesses. Social media platforms like Facebook, and Instagram provide terrific opportunities to market real estate.

A huge 82% of the US population is active on social media accounts. The humongous audience available on these platforms makes them the ideal place to market real estate. These platforms make use of cookies and track user preferences to show ads the user might be interested in.

For example, imagine a user looking up a few properties on the internet. Whenever they use their social media next, while scrolling through stories, or watching their favorite videos on Facebook, they will watch a short 5 second ads about real estate. How cool is that?


2.   Influencer Marketing


However, sometimes, an ad on a website or on social media, for example, might still go unnoticed. With numerous ads lined up, it does become difficult to grab the attention of users. One way to deal with this issue is to add a spoon of distinctness to your ads through influencer marketing.

Watching your favorite artist, or a football player from your favorite club in an ad does gain a lot of attention. Perhaps the easiest way to get your brand noticed is by getting a famous celebrity to record a short video message. In this case, to talk about real estate.


3.   Meet your target audience in workplaces or colleges


At the age of 22-27, where students are close to graduating, or individuals have just started earning, there is one thing common; the growing concern to multiply money. However, due to non-sufficient guidance, or little to no experience in real estate, these young individuals end up making mistakes through risky or no investments.

One way to counter this is by spreading awareness through live marketing. Speaker sessions at colleges and workplaces target the right audience, who are interested in learning about future investments.


4.   Virtual home tours


Not always is it convenient for investors to travel and visit distant properties miles away from their neighborhood. The pandemic had also resulted in halting physical visits, and since then, virtual home tours had become the new norm.

Investors can be provided with the luxury of visiting their potential properties virtually, saving a lot of time as well as fuel. This allows the investors to study numerous properties and increases the chances of finding “the right one”.


5.   Email Marketing


Email marketing is another effective source of marketing real estate. Real estate companies have noticed a 26% conversion rate through email marketing. Be it a long and busy Monday, or a relaxing Saturday afternoon, the one thing clients never forget to check is emails.

Email marketing, if done in the right manner can be highly productive. No one likes to be spammed with the same subject countless times. It is important to launch engaging campaigns to the right target audience for real estate marketing.


Michigan 2022 Real Estate Marketing Trends 


The market for real estate is growing, and changing rapidly. It is luring customers due to safe and productive investment opportunities. Hence, for every real estate company, marketing trends hold the utmost importance, and efficient plans must be drafted by agents to breakthrough.

We believe that the old-school real estate business must make use of technology to the fullest, through social media and virtual tours to make a difference in the market. It is also important to establish good relations with the customers, spread awareness, and win their trust through means such as influencer marketing, for example.

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