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Want to get started in real estate but you’re not sure where to start? To flip or wholesale? If you are new to the real estate industry, this could be a dilemma. Wholesaling and flipping are different with each having advantages and disadvantages. Often than not, flipping generates more profit than wholesaling but takes more time and effort. Let’s examine them and outline some benefits and downsides.



Real estate wholesaling requires little effort. You spot a property, agree on the selling price — find a buyer, agree on the buying price with your profit inclusive and the purchase takes place. This approach although common to greenhorns is applicable in other situations. You may spot a seasoned realtor wholesaling due to;


Quick Money

It no news that wholesaling takes lesser time than flipping. The process is as easy as fast. Wholesaling gives you the best shot at making quick money. If you ever happen to need quick money as a realtor, wholesaling is the ideal option.



Lack of funds can likewise result in wholesaling. As enticing as flipping may seem, it requires a lot of spending. Always evaluate the cost of flipping before delving into it. When the fund to see it through is not available, wholesaling makes an excellent alternative.


The Newbie

Being new has its disadvantages in real estate. Some inhibiting factors may negatively affect you unless you know the ropes. To play safe, wholesaling is the best way to go. The process is less risky, tedious, and quite easy to maneuver.


Bored of Flipping

Flipping may become boring, when that happens wholesaling may be the perfect temporary change. The hectic process of flipping can be eased off by switching to wholesaling. Additionally, the market can be unfavorable, and as such wholesaling is a reasonable substitute to consider.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Wholesaling

Wholesaling isn’t all good with no speck of downsides. Here are both sides of the ball:





Simplicity here includes the ease of starting wholesaling. Huge funds and good credit history are not prerequisites, finding a seller and the buyer is the main job and you get a commission at the closing of a deal.


A Good Way to Learn the Ropes


If you are just finding your feet in real estate, wholesaling is advantageous. You get to learn about buyer’s preferences and work with investors. Working with investors is a great way to pick up some vitals things as you glean from their wealth of experience. Additionally, you get to learn more about the city or town where you do business. You become familiar with the properties and layout of places and this will be to your advantage.




Income Instability


Income instability is a possibility in this line of work. Wholesaling is not permanent; sometimes you seal the deal, at times you don’t. Besides,  the income is not huge so you may need to close multiple deals to have something substantial each month.

Difficulty Closing a Deal


Deals are not the easiest to close in wholesaling. Finding and writing a contract with the seller is halfway, the deal is completed after finding a buyer. Difficulty in finding a buyer is the hitch. Without buyers, there is no income.



Property Flipping

Property flipping, a profitable but tedious aspect of real estate. In property flipping, you buy a property — bring it to taste and revamp it to meet market standard. There are some key things to keep in mind when fixing and flipping.



To fix and flip, ascertain your budget to be sure the project will be fully completed without getting stuck. Aside from the budget capacity, check the market as well to see what’s in demand. Watch out for overpriced deals in hot markets, as you look to claim a maximum profit on the deal.


The Profit

Always do well to check the profit before venturing into flipping. Check if the profit is worth it or simply pass on the deal.



Detailed research is important to ensure you do not run at loss. Detailed research helps to avoid excessive spending which may affect the profit. The flip should incorporate modern and contemporary designs that match the local demand.

Some major disadvantages and advantages are;





You’ll garner ample experience in different fields. Since flipping involves construction and repairs, you’ll learn a great deal. Flipping will expose you to the processes and cost of construction materials. The benefit of this becomes evident in later times when you take on another project. The knowledge will aid in the proper evaluation of what a property needs and the cost of revamping.


Knowing the Market

You won’t flip once, as times passes, there will be a need to handle more projects. Learning the market helps to decide what is best for each place and not push for your idea or preference but what the market wants.


Miscellaneous Budget

This is more of a thing to keep in mind than an advantage. A thorough assessment of property may not reveal the whole problem at hand. It’s wise to have a miscellaneous budget to tackle surprises.




Money loss

In a bid to make money, losses could result. A major cause of this could be under budgeting or unplanned repairs. Some properties may have lots of problems that are not spotted during the assessment. The problem is when the repairs are costly; eating deep into the budget and causing overspending.


Difficulty Finding a Buyer

Until the flipped property is sold, you remain responsible for the maintenance, insurance, and tax payments. If it takes longer to find a buyer, then all expenses become your responsibility.


Final Thoughts

Evaluate both options, and make decisions based on current circumstances, level of experience, and the market. Do not job into any, rather let the decision be based on detailed research.

Want to learn the real facts about finding,fixing,and flipping properties and how you can get started? I took my years of experience…years of me just figuring it out and put together what works and how you can get started from absolutely nothing all into one book…just for you!

If you want a quick easy way to learn everything you need to know about flipping properties and breaking into real estate…this is the book for you. 

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