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Since you are here, you are familiar with branding and its importance in establishing a unique identity and value proposition for the customers. You must wonder if personal and corporate branding should be the same, as it’s all about creating a distinctive persona to stand out among the rest.

To your surprise, some key differences exist between personal and corporate branding that companies, start-ups, influencers, job applicants, and individuals should understand.

The following article will help you understand the two types of branding and the key difference between corporate and personal branding.



Corporate Vs. Personal Branding


Are you interested in learning about corporate and personal branding? Keep reading.


Personal Branding


Simply put, companies or individuals develop a brand using a name commonly known as a personal brand. The key is to position oneself in the market as the domain-knowledge expert or establish authority in a specific domain.

As a result, the customers reach out to you because of your expertise, which leads to long-term relationships and more sales. Courtesy of digitalization, you can leverage the social media platform to create a personal brand and connect with the targeted audience.

A tagline serves a make-or-break role in creating a personal brand that individuals regularly use to connect to the target market. Also, you need to invest in interviews, online videos, guest blog posts, social media posts, and speaking sessions.


Corporate Branding


Corporate branding is an elaborate procedure and business plan before marketing and advertising products to customers. That’s why companies invest time, resources, and investment while establishing corporate brands based on the business goals, vision, mission, and message.

A corporate brand is a comprehensive business plan built on the following factors:

  • Target audience
  • Offered services and products
  • Company vision and mission
  • Message
  • Differentiating factors from the competitors

As a result, the companies use logos, colors, graphic design, and taglines for their branding to spread the desired message to the customers. To sum up, the corporate brand is a promise that a company makes to its customers to offer reliable products and services.


Difference Between Corporate and Personal Branding


Usually, we associate corporate branding with multinational and national companies, such as Apple, Samsung, KFC, Coca-Cola, etc. Conversely, personal branding is associated with the qualification, skills, or beliefs of an individual.

There is a reason companies don’t create a personal brand revolving around a product. Why? It’s because one company can offer several types of products and services. As a result, a personal brand becomes a real challenge as it isn’t a piece of cake to change the entire brand strategy.

However, creating corporate branding is daunting and exhaustive, requiring much manual effort. Also, the companies invest heavily in advertising the brand to existing and new customers.

On the other hand, individuals build their personal brand around the skillset they want to focus on, such as writing, speaking, and vlogging.

Secondly, you have more flexibility to modify the personal brand; however, companies can’t experiment with changing the corporate branding often.

Finally, selling or merging a company with personal branding is difficult compared to a business built on corporate branding. Of course, you don’t need to intend to sell a business later; however, we need to consider all the factors while devising the branding strategy.


Can Companies Use Personal Branding?


That’s an interesting question because companies sometimes use personal branding to market their products. The most common example is celebrity or influencer endorsement, in which the companies use the personal brand of another person to connect to the right audience.

Interestingly, companies don’t have to change their corporate branding; instead, they collaborate with individuals with their personal brands.

As mentioned earlier, corporate branding lacks the human touch. Nonetheless, companies associate themselves with personal brands to boost their sales.


Final Thoughts on Personal vs. Corporate Branding


Creating a brand is one of the most challenging yet exciting jobs for any company or individual.

To remember the difference, Elon Musk is a personal brand while Tesla is a corporate brand. After reading the above guide, you won’t mix the two branding types while devising strategies to connect to the desired audience.

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