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Sure you want to upload videos that everyone will get hooked on. Every Internet marketer craves for a specific spur of attention and would like to make that last. You and I both want to create videos that will be shared globally, that will attract views and are worth “liking”, “sharing” and “re-tweeting”. You like to become VIRAL – that’s the perfect term. Do you know that you can achieve this enormous online visibility?


Just to give you an extra dose of inspiration, I’d like you to check out Dollar Shave Club’s video. The video got the company 12,000 new customers during the first 2 days that it was aired online. How did it exactly happen?


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Recommended reading: Get Your Blog Posts Under Video Results in Google Search


Honestly, there is no such strict formula on creating viral videos. What I can share with you instead are some tips to start spawning attention. Here’s the truth – you don’t need massive traffic or to force getting viral on the Internet. Developing strategies to capture attention does the trick. I’ll tell you how.


Focus on Your Message Throughout the Video


Set aside the goal to look clever and focus on your message. What is the purpose of your video? What problems does your product or service solve? What makes you and your business unique?


Many Internet marketers fail to recognize the need for a coherent message. They instead focus too much on their products and services. You have to remember that your audience would like to know what problems your products or services can solve. Once you have established this connection with them, then getting viral through social media sharing follows naturally.


While I was working on this blog post yesterday, I found an interesting infographic “10 Tips for Telling Your Story with Video” by the media consultant and freelance reporter Manoush Zomorodi.


Less is More When it Comes to Video Marketing


No one wants to watch a full-length video unless it is a movie s/he likes. This should make you realize that you have to keep your videos short before your audience start to shut you off. Come up with videos that last from 3 minutes or fewer. Use the first 15 to 20 seconds to air a compelling message. Remember, videos abandoned midway because it was lengthy will never be shared by anyone anyway.


Have an Element of Surprise in Your Videos


Being unexpected encourages sharing and improves your online image. It isn’t always about being hilarious but simply being enjoyable. Share an untold story or an aha moment. Avoid boring talks and unrelated images.


Keep the Basics


These include a descriptive headline, a keyword-rich description and tags, an effective call-to-action and a promotional plan. Link your videos to your social media accounts for ease of sharing and feedback generation. As much as possible, host your videos in sites like YouTube or Vimeo because it makes sharing easier. Don’t forget to enable the embed and share options too. Lastly, if you are keeping an email list, make sure that you send links to your videos.


With millions of videos being uploaded daily, you must aim to catch fire! When 1 out of 10 videos grab a considerable share of attention, then that is already well-worth commending. So, always create and upload content-rich videos. Who knows? You may be the next Internet superstar!

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