You have an excellent product or service or service. You devoted all your time and efforts to develop and perfect this product or service or service and you are now ready to share it to the world.
But sad enough, nobody cares to try or even just to take a glimpse of it. It may be sad to admit but you failed to capture people’s attention and it is most likely that your excellent product or service will soon be drowned into oblivion. This is what commonly happens to the newbies in the business industry who do not know how to effectively market their product or service or service.
Aside from an excellent product or service or service that your company has to offer, it is equally important to learn how to sell this product or service or service to other people. Thus, an effective marketing communication is indeed the key to the success of any business.
Through marketing communication, you share information to other people especially your prospective clients with the aim of building up your company and your product or service. Your end goal should be to persuade your prospective clients to take specific action such as availing your company’s various promos, discounts, free delivery, free trial or free consultation and most importantly to purchase your product or service or service.
With our age of technology, there are countless ways to market your company and your product or services aside from the traditional business letters and paid space advertisements. Now, you can send opt in messages, create blogs, join social networking sites, create online newsletter, e-books and videos to name a few—all of these can be a great avenue for you to promote your company to the millions of internet users around the globe.
However, no matter what tools you choose to use in your marketing endeavor, here are three basic things that you must keep in mind every time you aim to market you product or service or service:
• Have a concrete idea of what you want to communicate. Before you start writing a business email. Sit away from the computer and think of the messages that you may want to convey to your prospective clients. Jot down these messages and then rank them according to importance. Now, cross out some of them, which you think your letter can do without.
Keep your letter short, simple, straight to the point and yet engaging. The most important questions that you must answer in your letter are: Why should they buy your product or service? Why should they pick your product or service rather than its competitors, what promos do you offer, how can they purchase your product or service and whether they can get their money back if your product or service failed to deliver what you had promised.
• Introduce yourself. Providing a background about your company is very important in marketing communication. State what your company is, your mission and vision, your areas of expertise, and perhaps the recognitions you have received in the industry.
• Make wise offers. No matter how good you are at marketing communications, do not expect that a prospective client will automatically make a purchase just after you have talked about the benefits of your product or service or service. It is a clever move to entice them to purchase your product or service first by offering free consultation or free trial.
Generally people love the feeling of getting something for free. When they get satisfied during the trial period you may then offer free delivery and discounts to encourage them even more to make a purchase. You can also make limited-time offers, as this move can add a sense of urgency and persuade the prospective clients to act immediately.
These are only a few of the many marketing tips I can share with you. For additional information on how to succeed in your business and marketing tips, please subscribe to the blog.
Annetta Powell
Your Professional Success Coach
Very good advice Annetta
Marketing is about providing information about yourself and your company and to be persuasive.