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You may pick up any work of art and you are likely to find it to have qualities like consistency, attraction, attention to detail, and so on. Similarly, Blogging is no less than an art. But according to common belief, the positive attributes and elements in any blog post are not only the result of its content quality. The importance of crafting an outstanding blog post titles is the same as writing innovative and appealing content. In fact, the blog post titles is what brings your target audience to read the following content of your blog post. Without a catchy headline, you can never convince readers to visit your blog site to read the full blog post.


What Can Impressive Titles Do for All Your Blog Posts


Blog Titles

Image Credit: Roberto Nieves


In traditional marketing terms, a blog post title is like a customer touch point. This means that it serves as a point of contact between your blog post and your target audience. This is why your article title should have all the welcoming attributes necessary to compel your target audience to feel interested in your blog post.


Reflection of the Main Content


A blog title should do complete justice to a well-written and value adding content of your blog post. The efforts and investment that go in the creation of every single blog post demand the support of a persuasive blog title. Naturally, your actual and potential readers are mostly just a click away from reading your blog posts. But sometimes the mere action of clicking becomes unlikely if the blog title does not have appealing characteristics.


Address Your Audience


The content writing style for blog posts is mostly personal, unlike most other types of web content. This is done because of a variety of reasons, one of which is to keep your audience engaged in reading your blog posts because of the personal touch. However, you will never be able to get readership for your blog posts without a blog title that seems equally personalized. To put it another way, a high quality and personalized blog title can not only make your reader feel like it is addressing them but it can also make them feel like it is meant just for them.


Consistency is the Essence of Your Blog Post Title


We have all heard and read countless examples and reasons behind the importance of creating and sharing good content, consistently and frequently. But what many people tend to overlook is the importance of consistency in creating an exceptional blog title every time. Just as much as your regular readers anticipate valuable and informative content in your blog posts, you must live up to their expectations every time you create a blog title as well. Not only does this justify the efforts of your main content creation, but writing a catchy blog title for all your blog posts leads to the creation of a positive image among regular readers. That’s right! Your blog title can influence your identity and reputation across various online platforms.


A Key Source for Keywords


The importance of keywords relevant to your business is widely known. Similarly, many people also understand how the most searched keywords can impact their SEO practices as well. But then they end up restricting the use of adequate keywords in the main content of each blog post only. Fact of the matter is that your blog title is an additional and important location for strategically placing a keyword. Not only does it target at the desired segment of the overall audience, it is also important for your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranking and visibility.


Increase Your ‘Shareability’


The efficacy of your blog post titles can impact the ‘shareability’ of your blog post more than you think. Sharing of content across various online platforms is the same as creating positive word-of-mouth for a brand. An important source for it is through social media networks which are an essential part of social media marketing. Once a reader decides to spread your blog post on social media networks and sites, other potential readers will only click on it if your blog title can coax them to do so.


Examples of a Few Catchy Blog Titles


The following list contains a few blog post titles. Each blog title is selected on the basis of its being exceptionally written with attention-grabbing qualities.



Firstly, this title is extremely catchy. Secondly, it is an effective blog title because it clearly reflects the type of main content it has to follow. Along with that it is intriguing for people who are looking for a quick read on some interesting activities in the form of a list. But if this bog post did not have a title as catchy and clear like this one, then some people might assume it to contain lengthy or textual content which is why the target audience may never reach the blog post.



The main quality of this blog post title is that it is immensely clear. It explicitly explains the objective of its main content. This means that a blog title does not unnecessarily have to be catchy. Keeping plain and simple titles to match the nature and theme of the content you are writing is a great strategy.



This title contains several attention-grabbing and compelling elements. Firstly, the opening words to the title add a catchy feel to it while giving a hint to what the blog post is about. At the same time, the use of a negative word like ‘suicide’ in the beginning makes it quite a thought-provoking blog title as well. Along with being effective in terms of its capability to grab the reader’s attention immediately with just the first two words, the remaining part of this blog title has a simple and clear approach to it. Basically, the second part of this title clearly explains the subject matter of the blog post while being appropriately keyword-oriented as well.



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