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Your professional reputation is extremely important to your business success and it is of even more importance when it comes to online reputation.  An unhappy customer airing his frustrations in a store will perhaps affect a few onlookers at that specific time but an unhappy customer who posts his complaints online can drastically affect your bottom line.


You need to seriously consider what promises your company wants to make and make absolutely sure that you can meet them.  Once you make promises on line, the way you handle and keep those promises will be reflected in your future online reputation on the world-wide-web.


Of course if you are a company that has services that only you can provide then you don’t have to worry about what anyone says about you.  Utility companies are an example.  If a person doesn’t like what the water company charges he can’t very well buy his water from someplace else.  They have no real need to concern themselves with their reputation.


However, most of us aren’t that lucky.  We need to provide stellar customer service and rely heavily on customer feedback and references.  Making sure that your company only promises what it can provide and can ensure that your needs will be met.


 Online Reputation Management


Below is a YouTube presentation by an online reputation management expert,  James and he has some wonderful preventive and corrective tips for online damage control.

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Our reputation can encompass many things. Bottom line, our online reputation comes down to the opinions of our customers regarding the products or services we provide.  If we are going to be online we need to always be aware of what that opinion is.  That opinion is our reputation.


A website that is negligent in responding to customer complaints can be assured that sooner if not later one of those unhappy customers will take their frustrations to the web and destroy the companies online reputation.  Just like the Internet provides businesses with many opportunities to market their web there are many opportunities for people to post negative comments about your service in the end causing real damage to your reputation.


Sites like Facebook and YouTube are filled with postings of complaints and unhappy customers.  Sending question marks onto the foreheads of many potential customers.  Search engines are in the habit of putting popular sites at the top of their list.  They do not usually check for quality of truthfulness of the subject. Your professional reputation is of little or no concern to them.  They are also vying to keep their eyes on the bottom line.


Keeping your online reputation clean and undefiled should be of great concern to you.  A negative comment on a popular website could be damaging to your online reputation and credibility.  Make it a habit of checking your company posts on a regular basis and working to deflect an unhappy customer from taking his feelings to the next level.


We all know that you can’t make everybody happy all of the time.  In the life of any business, negative things will come up.  But ignoring them can only bring damage to your business and personal reputation online.  Reality dictates that if you are aware of an unhappy customer you have the ability to do something about it.  However, since finding malcontents and their comments and blogs in the millions of online sites can leave you in the dark, it would be more practical to try to diffuse such events by providing upfront customer care to prevent an online reputation disaster.


Online Reputation

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