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While eBook marketing is a great way of making money online, not everyone has the mind and eye to write and publish a great free eBook. Some people will start writing eBooks and fail to complete them. Still, others will start on a wrong footing but improve their eBook writing with time.   If you are thinking of writing an eBook specifically for internet marketing then here are some powerful that will help you write and publish your free eBook.


Free eBook

Make Your eBook Valuable and Unique


The secret to succeeding with a free eBook is writing and publishing valuable information.  The reason is that there are already thousands of free eBooks on the internet. At any given time, your customer and prospects have several eBooks to choose. They can either choose to download and read your eBook or go for someone else’s eBook.


Since there is a great deal of competition in free eBook content marketing, you’ve got to come up with great and unique ideas that will give you an edge over you competitors in attraction marketing. There are no two ways about it. You can fast track online lead generation by publishing unique and fresh content or remain stuck by writing and publishing mundane content.


Know Your Target Audience


Before you even start writing your free eBook, you should have a picture of your target audience in mind.  You’ve got to figure out who you are writing to first and what their preferences and needs are.  Think about their age group, gender, interests, and socio-economic status.  Ask yourself, do they love reading technical stuff, or do they prefer simple well-laid out content?


It is very important for you to understand your target audience as it will help you come up with the right style, tone, diction, and length of eBook.   Plus, the more you understand the needs of your customers the easier it will be for you to write and publish your free eBook and use it for network marketing.


List Down the Benefits of Your eBook


Next, make a list of benefits that your readers will get by downloading reading your free eBook.  Don’t just create and publish your eBook hurriedly.  You have to list down some benefits that readers and prospects will get from reading your free eBook.  Just like in online video marketing, you can tie the benefits of your eBook to the purpose for which you have created it.  It could be a solution to a problem, or insight, or new knowledge that will empower your prospects. In short, make sure that your benefits are tangible else no one will be interested in your eBook.


Have a Clear Purpose


As a rule of thumb, you should have a clear purpose for writing your free eBook. Ask yourself. Do I want to build my brand? Increase customer engagement? Inform my prospects and customers? Or help them solve a problem? In other words, you cannot afford to write blindly. You have to sit down and think clearly about what you want to fulfill by publishing and disseminating your free eBook.


To simplify things, I urge you to come up with a simple mission statement that captures and communicates the purpose of your eBook. It doesn’t have to be a long statement, just one clear and concise paragraph that describes what you want to achieve from your eBook.


Come With a Great eBook Title


Majority of customers are highly selective and judgmental about what they read. Most of them judge the relevance of any content they come across by the impression they get from the titles and sub-titles.   Assuming that you are customer and you come across a link to two free eBooks with the following titles:


“How to Turn $50 into $3,000 Monthly Income in Just 24 Hours”


“How to Make $3,000 by Investing in $50”,


Which one would you download and read?


I am sure that you would click the link to the first title because of its catchy title. So, when writing your free eBook, you should come up with a variety of catchy titles. Great titles will not only help you sell your products easily, but they will also come in handy in attraction marketing.


Organize Your Free eBook Properly


Another thing; you have to be systematic and procedural when creating your free eBook for content marketing. You have to organize your eBook content properly so that readers can access and read the relevant sections easily. The reason for this is that most readers just skim the content of eBooks first.  They want to find out the value and benefits of reading your eBook by glancing at different sections. So, if you organize your eBook and break it down to neat and well-laid out sections, you will give readers and customers the impetus to read the entire eBook.


Start with a Short eBook



As you start out, I would highly recommend that you create a short free eBook.  A short eBook is more readable and attractive than a large eBook.  You don’t have to create a 250 + page eBook, when you can summarize and pack all the useful information in a 15-20 page eBook. Plus, many customers would not even have the time to read your big eBook. Most readers and customers just want to get to the “meaty sections” of your eBook real quick. So, don’t bother them with unnecessary details or long stories just stick to what will engage and draw the interest of your customers and prospects.


Create Different eBook Formats


Finally, make sure that you create different formats for your free eBook. Some readers would love to access it in PDF while others would love to access it in Word Document. If possible, avail your free eBook in both PDF and Microsoft Office Word version so that customers can access and download the eBook in their preferred format. Also, don’t forget customers who use eBook readers and smartphones, or PDAs. Think about the orientation, layout, page length and the formats (PC and mobile friendly formats) as they will come in handy when promoting your eBook through social media marketing or email marketing.


Don’t get discouraged if you have tried writing an eBook and failed. The truth is that writing and publishing a successful free eBook takes some time and effort.  I highly recommend that you read How to Use an eBook for Marketing your Product before you start writing your eBook. I believe it will lay a solid foundation for you.


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