The internet is full of people! This means that consumers are constantly connecting, sharing and discussing with each other. Your business will flourish just because of this fact alone! Conversation is key. Social Media can be used to reach and connect with customers. You can participate in online discussions and join groups and communities that can help your business.
Human interaction is great. You will need to be able to talk your way into their hearts. They are the consumer and you need to let them know why you’re the best for their needs. Network Marketing is about building relationships and that is just the bottomline! Participate! Get out there and get connected. Newspapers and flyers are only going to take you so far. There is a whole world out there on the net and you need to participate. Consumers are online these days and this is where you need to be!
Web Strategies – Use these tools to open and reach out, use these great web tools to reach and connect to customers, everyone can contribute. Learn the tools and get yourself out there.
Go Find Your Customer: One easy case I was able to make for blogging was the ability for our company to more easily go meet our audience where they begin most online searches that lead to our website – Google. Most of our website traffic originates on Google so it only makes sense for us to continue our efforts to get in their search results. Blogging platforms are very solid ways to optimize content for search engines – especially if you’re updating often and using the right methods.
Give something away for free– Your products and services are great but giving away freebies is even better. Capture the attention of your audience by giving them something that will attract them to you. Consumers love a deal. They love to feel as though they are getting something for free. Entice them. Tell them how much they will be saving if they buy from you. Offering something free and being able to save will drive the consumer to you in a hurry!
These are just a few strategies that will help you optimize and maximize your business. Remember that you are your business and you have to make it soar. Being able to think outside the box to attract customers will determine your success!
Annetta Powell
Your Professional Success Coach
Awesome article Annetta, I couldn’t agree with you more. Online marketing is a skill and so many people are jumping in without studying the correct way to do it.