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In real estate investing, getting the right financial help is key to succeeding on chances.

Regular bank loans often have tough rules and take a long time to get approved, so investors might need to find other ways to get money.

One option is using private money, which is more flexible, fast, and usually easier for both new and experienced investors to get. Let’s explore private money and how it can unlock new possibilities.


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Advantages of Private Money for Real Estate


Private money means lenders use their money to fund a deal that is secured by the property itself.

Alternatively, private money comes from individuals seeking to earn interest on their money by investing in your deal. Loan recourse is the property for the project’s risk assumed by the creditors.

Let’s consider some of the pros of securing private money for real estate investing.


1. Speed and Flexibility


A good thing about private money is that it usually gets approved quicker than loans from banks.

Private lenders might be more flexible in some cases that would stop banks from lending.

With this kind of loan, you can talk about the terms, how much is lent, and when payments are due so each borrower’s needs can be met as much as possible.


2. Personal Relationships and Future Opportunities


When you borrow from an individual rather than a bank or credit union, there is always the chance to develop personal relationships.

This could come in handy later down the line.

Furthermore, a personalized loan experience is possible as the lender knows exactly what you need.


3. Collaborate with a Trusted Broker


Finding a trustworthy broker is essential to your career as an investor. It is a good idea to find a broker who is experienced and qualified in your niche.

Having a good relationship with a trusted broker means you can enjoy some benefits that come from this arrangement.


Key Considerations When Using Private Money


Of course, with every pro, there will be a con. Here are the downsides to keep in mind with private money.


1. Higher Costs


Though it features many advantages, private money usually comes with higher costs than traditional loans.

The interest rates can fluctuate, sometimes being as high as 8% to 15% (or even more). The higher interest rate indicates that the lender is taking extra risks.

Also, they are generally for short periods, extending from half a year to two years at most.


2. Due Diligence and Legal Protections


You must carry out your due diligence on who is lending you this money. You can check their credentials, experience, and track record for reliability.

Legal agreements play an important role; both sides can be protected by approaching a lawyer to draw up an extensive loan agreement specifying all terms, rights, and obligations.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Money


Here’s a quick overview of the advantages and disadvantages of private money.




  • Access to Captial: Regardless if your credit is not great or you are looking at a non-conventional opportunity, private money could potentially fund your deal. 
  • Speed and Agility: Being able to move fast on deals with deadlines can help you to recapitalize on opportunities.
  • Direct Relationships: Building relationships with lenders can help you build a level of trust and relationships that may lead to future funding.




  • High Costs: The higher interest rates and origination fees can significantly impact your profit margins. 
  • Short Timelines: The need to pay the debt off quickly can prevent you from fully executing your investment strategy and create additional pressure.
  • Risk of Default: Failure to comply with loan terms can lead to property foreclosure.


Private Money Success Tips


When it comes to private money, starting small is a good strategy for your first loan.

It is a good way to build trust and experience.

A strong business plan and financial projections can give potential investors confidence in the viability of your investment.

There are many sources of private money to support your real estate investment.

Networking with industry colleagues, joining investment clubs, and participating in real estate online communities can help you source private loan funds.


Make Private Real Estate Money Work for You


Non-bank funds can offer a significant tool for real estate financiers. Without them, many real estate investors may not even have the ability to invest.

It is important to be informed when it comes to these funds. You should understand what you are signing up for and your plan for exiting the funds, as well as understand the risks, costs, and responsibilities.

If you know all of this, you will advise yourself of the power of these funds and how they can be used to effectively invest in real estate.

Getting real estate funding doesn’t have to be complicated. My team and I are standing by to help you open more doors to financial freedom, so let’s chat!


…And don’t forget! Register for my FREE online training, ‘Teach Me The Real Estate Game’ and learn how to make $100K in just 90 days!


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